back to the United Methodist Archives and History Center

Helpful UMC Links
- United Methodist Church. Official UMC web page
- History of the United Methodist Church. A timeline of important events in United Methodism and its predecessor denominations.
- General Conference 2016, 2012, 2008, 2004, 2000, and 1996
- Directory. How to quickly find agencies, local churches, bishops, and just about anything else you ever wanted to know about modern United Methodism.
- UMC Global Ministries. Global Ministries partners with agencies and individuals to alleviate human suffering; seek justice, freedom and peace; strengthen congregations and communities; and make disciples of Jesus Christ.
- UMC Schools. Links to websites and info on UM schools, colleges/universities, and seminaries.
- UMNS. United Methodist News Service (press releases). Keyword-searchable press releases from 1991-2001 available online here.
- General Commission on Archives and History
- The Upper Room
- Worship Resources. Worship resources from the Board of Discipleship for many occasions including many Wesley resources.
- United Methodist Reporter, newspaper of United Methodism
- Quarterly Review, the theological journal of the UMC
- Circuit Rider, professional magazine for those in ministry
- Guide to the Historical Landmarks of the UMC
Worldwide Methodism
- World Methodist Council official site
- Oxford Institute of Methodist Theological Studies (international membership; holds conferences every 3-5 years)
- Global Digital Library on Theology and Ecumenism
Other Methodist Collections
Other libraries with Methodist-related collections:
- British Methodist Research Centre at Rylands University in Manchester
- Oxford Centre for Methodism and Church History in Oxford
- Center for Methodist Studies at Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University
- ATLA Digital Library
- Duke University’s Rubinstein Library Methodism and Wesleyana collections
- Historical Society of Ocean Grove, New Jersey
- Wesley Center at Northwest Nazarene University
- Flower Pentecostal Research Center
- The Documenting the American South project at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, rich in African-American Methodist resources
- Wesleyan Center for 21st-Century Studies at Point Loma Nazarene University
- Centre for Wesleyan Studies, Methodist University at Sao Paulo
- Duke’s Center for Studies in the Wesleyan Tradition
- Saint Paul School of Theology Digital Collections
- Centenary College of Louisiana Digital Louisiana Methodist Publications (1865-1938)
- Center for the Evangelical United Brethren Heritage
- Yale Divinity School Digital Collections
Online Bibliographies
- General Commission on Archives and History’s bibliography on women in the Wesleyan and United Methodist traditions
- Resources on Pentecostalism developed by the Hartford Institute for Religion Research
Sister Denominations
Web pages of some of our sister denominations who also look to John Wesley as their founder:
- African Methodist Episcopal Church
- African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church
- Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
- Free Methodist Church
- Methodist Church–Great Britain
- Methodist Church in Ireland
- Methodist Church of New Zealand
- Nazarene Church
- Primitive Methodist Church–United States
- Wesleyan Church
Societies Studying Wesley and Methodism
Some academic and denominational societies devoted to the study of Methodism, Wesley, and related issues:
- Wesleyan Theological Society. Back issues of their journal are online here.
- Wesley Historical Society (Great Britain)
- Historical Society of the United Methodist Church
- World Methodist Historical Society
- Society for Pentecostal Studies
- Wesleyan/Holiness Women Clergy
- Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals
- Museum of Social Justice
Online Full-Text Sources
- John Wesley: Selected Works
- John Wesley’s Sermons
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library selection of Wesley texts
- Making of America, “a digital library of primary sources in American social history from the antebellum period through reconstruction,” which has a long run of the Ladies’ Repository and many Methodist books. Go directly to the Ladies’ Repository listing here.
- Wesley Center for Applied Theology: Texts of John Wesley, Charles Wesley, John Fletcher, Jacob Arminius, Richard Watson, John Telford, and numerous holiness movement authors
- Archive of the Louisiana Annual Conference Journals/Minutes
- Yale University Library Digital Collections at Yale Divinity School
- Wynkoop Center for Women in Ministry – A great resource for online resources related to women in ministry.
- WPA Church Records Collection consists of approximately 5,500 church surveys conducted by the Works Progress Administration in the late 1930s and early 1940s. In total, the collection contains 20,000 individual digitized pages.
- Spirituality, Medicine, and Health Bibliography website contains an annotated bibliography of books and articles in a wide range of specialties under the general area of spirituality, medicine, and health.
- Digital Public Library of America this portal delivers millions of materials found in American archives, libraries, museums, and cultural heritage institutions to students, teachers, scholars, and the public.
- Payne Theological Seminary and A.M.E. Church Archive
History of the Wesleys and Methodism
- BBC site on the life of John Wesley
- The African American Odyssey: A Quest for Full Citizenship, an exhibit hosted by the Library of Congress, including resources for African-American religion
- Religion & the Founding of the American Republic, another Library of Congress exhibit with many pictures of Methodist events and leaders
- Listing of Wesley’s preachers, 1740-1791
- Wesley’s Chapel, London, England