Drew University is excited to announce the Presidential Innovation Speaker Series featuring groundbreaking thought leaders, including Drew alumni and trustees, who are at the forefront of innovation and disruption in their industries. President Hilary L. Link, PhD, will host insightful conversations with fellow transformative leaders.
Our Leadership
Hilary L. Link, PhD
Mead Hall
[email protected]
Jessica Lakin
Mead Hall
[email protected]
Julee Gard
Chief Financial Officer
[email protected]
Ellen Johnson
Vice President for Enrollment Management & Strategic Communications
Mead Hall 204
[email protected]
Frank Merckx
Vice President for Campus Life
Ehinger Center, Suite #147
[email protected]
Bret Silver
Vice President for University Advancement
Mead Hall
[email protected]
Greg Smith
Vice President of Facilities and Real Estate
36 Madison Avenue
[email protected]
Past Presidents
Thomas J. Schwarz (2020-2023)
MaryAnn Baenninger (2014-2020)
Vivian A. Bull (2012-2014) Interim
Robert Weisbuch (2005-2012)
Thomas H. Kean (1990-2005)
Paul Hardin III (1975-1988)
Robert Fisher Oxman (1961-1974)
Fred Garrigus Holloway (1948-1960)
Arlo Ayres Brown (1929-1948)
Ezra Squier Tipple (1912-1929)
Henry Anson Buttz (1880-1912)
John Fletcher Hurst (1873-1880)
Randolph Sinks Foster (1870-1873)
John McClintock (1867-1870)
Presidential and Institutional Statements
Drew University Presidential and Institutional Statement Protocol
The president and “the University” are frequently asked to speak or issue statements on a variety of topics ranging from institutional and local events to international conflicts and elections. We recognize that Drew University is a diverse community of individuals from all backgrounds and whose viewpoints and opinions on a variety of issues may differ greatly.
Drew University, and its president, do not provide statements about every issue that may affect the region, state, nation, world, or even at times, the campus. Statements are reserved for matters that have a direct and significant impact on the campus and/or the greater Drew community. The need and timing of any statements or messages is determined by the president in consultation with the Vice President for Communications and Strategic Initiatives or appropriate cabinet member, as needed based on topic. Some statements will be shared only with our on-campus community while others, if appropriate, will be shared with families, alumni or other constituencies.
Any official statement, regardless of the signatories, is perceived as speaking on behalf of the University. This includes the President, cabinet, academic leadership, and other Drew representatives making statements, writing letters to the editor, or posting on social media that mention or include their affiliation with Drew University, unless it is explicitly stated that “the views and opinions expressed by the author do not represent the official policy or position of Drew University”. Academic and administrative units should share statements already released and approved by the University, and should not create their own.
In addition, the president must approve any requests for the university to be a co-signatory on any statements, commitments, amicus briefs, or other declarations from consortiums or associations Drew is a member of. These types of documents are considered official statements of Drew University.
Any member of the Drew community who receives media inquiries, including requests for interviews, statements, or campus access should direct those requests to the Communications Department at [email protected]. Any media presence on campus requires prior approval from the Vice President for Communications and Strategic Initiatives.
Examples of situations that may merit a presidential or University statement:
- Emergency or crisis situation affecting the Drew community, including follow-up messages after an event. Time sensitive notifications would be deployed via LiveSafe.
- Campus updates on strategic priorities, institutional leadership, and other initiatives that impact the Drew community.
- Significant local, regional, national, or world events that have a direct impact on Drew’s physical campus and/or teaching, living, and learning that make up the university’s mission.
- Notifications about a tragedy or death of a member of our community, including current students, faculty, staff, and trustees. Death notices may also be sent for significantly notable alumni, former employees, or past trustees.
- Media interviews conducted by the president, university spokesperson (Vice President for Communications and Strategic Initiatives), or other university official designated by the president based on respective areas of expertise or oversight. The Communications Department should be informed immediately of all media inquiries including requests for interviews, statements, or campus access.
Channels of Presidential and Official Institutional Communications
- Broadcast emails (institution-wide or to specific internal or external audiences)
- News and Office of the President sections of the university website
- Official Drew University social media accounts
- Emergency alert system (LiveSafe)
- News releases, media statements, and interviews
- Speaking engagements at meetings sponsored by the University or external organizations
We strive to respond to all communication from our students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other members of the Drew community. Often this may be a general acknowledgement (not an item-by item or point-by-point commenting) of receipt of the communication. As such, an acknowledgement is an official response from the university and is not a commitment to immediate or long-term action.
When issues are raised by community members we aim to find solutions that best serve the interests of all students, faculty, and staff and that are guided by our mission. We appreciate and respect the varied perspectives shared by members of our community.